Thursday, March 19, 2015


     Howdy, ya'll, I've spent almost 44 years investing in this pivotal moment that, hopefully, strikes a chord with you. This is Mike/Michael/Mikey/Leslie/Tetrick/Jr. The real perfection of non-protection, a surprise, I've heard, AND is not the same thing as a gift. At this moment, I hope to inspire you with this truth: you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God that is jealous. He wants all your attention and you have all His. When you look in the mirror, you're looking at something worth dying for; that's why Jesus did.
      Take a listen to the music TDRMusic as well as Justin Todd Herod's, Jason Clutter, and McKenna Tetrick's individual music and, duh, especially mine. These are people who love God more than themselves and love you more than themselves as well. 
     Thanks for checking out the site, pay attention to the blog; it may be inspiring, it also may inspire you to pray for me. I wake up every day in love with Jesus and a life that is sometimes out of whack, but Jesus is my 'quack" ("my counselor, my helper, my comfort"). All I'm saying is we are real people, with real problems, and Jesus is the real solution!  God is good all the time, and, all the time, God is good. True story! Don't cut me off in traffic, I'll let you down spiritually! Be blessed or don't. Later taters.