Pondering the echoes of conversations in my mind from life before Christ. Some of those voices were my own intellect, some were influences from people in my life, and some, no doubt, were from the enemy of my soul. I can remember the feeling of not fitting in and the heartbreaking discomfort of not being up to par with others around me. Whether it be sports, academics, or social status, etc., there were many awkward emotions. I was acclimating toward a perception of happiness through a culture of demise exposed to drugs, sex, and rock n' roll. Rock n' roll? No, I'm not bashing rhythmic melodies, because I love music. However, the lyrical content of many of the songs I listened to were, without question, molding a personality and a mentality that was inevitably deterring me from the plans that God had for me in this life and for eternity.
I was seeking affirmation from the things of this world that required an ever-evolving investment to feel confidence and esteem, but it was an ongoing cycle of highs and lows. I kept trying to change with the times so that people's perspectives about me wouldn't change. One day, I began to learn about a guy who never changes and His view of me is never one of worthlessness or incapability, but, rather, He views me as a beautiful creation. He loved me just like I was and exactly where I was at, but refused to leave me in the poverty of acceptance, or the seclusion of small dreams, and the belief that where I was was where I was destined to be.
I was on my way, when I saw the signs; when the heralds cried: "Jesus saves, and He wants to save you. It doesn't matter where you've been. It doesn't matter what you've done, nor does it matter what's been done to you. You're not identified by your past, but rather in Christ." I heard them say: "The King uses foolish things to confound the wise." I laughed inside, because I had never felt so qualified for anything.
I fell in love with Jesus. He saved my soul. He rebuilt my broken heart. He's changing my mind, and He continues to give me hope to bring excitement for a future that is ever-evolving in His favor. I dream, yet He intends to do more than I can ask or imagine. So now I have joy sustaining, because He is for me, not against me. All that was said is also true for you. Maybe you don't like the reflection you see, but I hope to encourage you today: you're worth dying for and you're most definitely fit for the King.
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